Welcome to my page!

Updated: 08-10-2020

* Looking for someone to co-manage my account. Message me if you're interested!*


   I'm aladdin31! I've been on and off of Howrse since 2010! Wow, time does fly. I was gone for awhile but now I'm back. A lot has changed on here so if you have any helpful tips they would be greatly appreciated!


   I have bred a lot of horses but I usually sell them as I like to keep only a small amount of horses to care for. This makes it quick for me to check the game everyday. Since I usually sell my horses, you should check often to see what I have!

   I'm always looking for Hypnos' Blankets so if you're looking to get rid of them, you can either gift them or PM me and we can figure out a reasonable price!


   You should also visit my EC, I usually have a few spaces open. Even if you don't want to register your horse there, check out the forum! I have a guest book and a forum for suggestions on how to make it a better EC.

   I have been breeding horses to try and get the most Excellence Stars. I'm currently the most proud of Luna. She has the most Excellence Stars of any horse I have bred.

Thanks for reading!

~ aladdin31