
Be who you are and say what you feel

because those who mind don't matter

and those who matter don't mind.

~ Dr. Seuss ~

About Me

Currently have some 100BLUP Uni Mares in the auctions! Also check out my "Make an Offer" tab - some cool things in there. Check them out.

Birthday: March 18th

Hobbies: Competing with cutting quarter horses and AMHR miniature horses, reading, sketching

I looooove the Bewitched Pumpkin's Ghost coat. I have a few. Just a few.

Follow my miniature horse @pennythetexasmini on instagram!

I formerly specialized in quarter horses (unicorns & horses). I have plenty of 100 blup mares and stallions for sale at varying price/gp/skills. I would be happy to work out a deal with any kind player that contacts me regarding them.

I only competitively breed unicorns. They are my fav.

Breeding & Sales

Home of the very first 2000gp & 3000gp quarter horse unicorn!!! ...years ago in 2012... but that was a good time to look back on. Love you guys forever - The Quarter Nutz

Friend Requests? I accept them all!
Best Overall Ranking: 452nd (12/4/2012)

First I would like to say that I enjoy getting messages from players.

I love to see that little envelope pop up at the top of my screen! I will help answer questions regarding game-play, as well as hold a little conversation with the writer. However, I will not respond to short, one-worded messages, or messages tht r wrnt n txt spk. It's annoying to me.

I am very obsessive over horses that I raised and trained.

They may be just pixels, but I  grow attached to the pixels that I have owned the longest. I really enjoy breeding two that I raised and then training their offspring. It's fun because they are MINE!!! Muahahaha!

My Favorite Breeds To Raise

Thoroughbreds - I have always loved watching them run
Chincoteague Ponies - I dream one day of watching the swim
Quarter Horses - Born and raised with these beauties
Pure Bred Spanish Horses - Andalusians are eloquent and regal in my eyes

My Unicorn Obsession

When I first began playing Howrse some odd years ago, I was enchanted by the possibility of owning and breeding unicorns.

You could say I am a hoarder of them, since I have so many. The unicorns are most likely the reason that I have been on this game for so long. I enjoy the challenge of raising and breeding them.

 Goodbye now wonderful people! Now...GO DANCE!!!