#2354 in General Ranking

Reached 800 days Seniority

#622 Number of rosettes won this month
#344 Number of horses looked after yesterday

Jan '24: 
Reached 100 howrses under ~Arabian Splendour~ affix

#22 in Popularity 


Used to focus on breeding Arabs and back then 70* was high!! (2010-2017) Then I moved on a bit to various other breeds.

I will forever keep my first howrse, Jack The Lad who has a Diamond Apple coat. Unfortunately he lost all of his skills before being made immortal but he was a good XC pony and stud.

 ~Premier Arabs~.   >25000GP Arabs & Arab Unicorns. Aiming for 26000GP. 

 ~Arabian Splendour~. Arabs and Unis up to 24999GP.

~Emerald Isle Equines~ Anything I breed under 25000GP. that doesn't fit under ~Arabian Splendour~. 

  ~Thoroughbred Titans~ >25000GP Thoroughbreds.

~Premier Xs~: Cross breeds with >25000GP for competitions/experiments.

I'm starting to collect and deal Golden and Silver Apples.

PM if you wish to reserve a covering from one of my stallions.

If I like your profile I may add you but I'll probably never message you as I'm shy ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c_v1582023526.png 
I return any Congrats I seeb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c_v1582023526.png

Sign my Guestbook in my EC Forum. (open to ALL!) 

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