I don't actually play anymore, just show up once in a while for no real reason.  The game simply went in a direction I'm not interested in which is the tedium of a farm-craft-use-rinse-repeat model in addition to the BLUPping-racing-breeding-rinse-repeat model.  I say "tedium" after playing games that utilized crafting mini-games like WoW, ToR, KOTOR etc where you farm/hunt for items to make consumables/non-consumables that are only useful for a limited time-frame in the game or get used up.  With the number of horses breeding programs use it'd require a lot of farming to get enough materials to make what you needed, and that is after you bought/crafted the buildings needed to make them and upkeep them.  I didn't start playing this game to play a required crafting mini-game just to keep from running out of equus which was already being burned through just for the covering costs for decent mid-range stallions.