About Me

I have been playing this game since I was 13 years old; I'm 23 now, and I'm working on a degree in Engineering. I'm generally a very casual player, and I don't mind PMs or random friend requests. I don't play as much as I used to, simply because of time, but I do still try to log in at least once a day.


I don't mind offers on any of my horses, but I do reserve the right to refuse to sell if I don't want to. Aside from that, I do trade BM items through the exchanges. Just send me a message if you are interested. I will be putting up a list of BM items that I have and will sell in the future, but for now, just PM me for information.


I play the promos if they happen to be going on when I am online; I rarely spend money on them these days. However, if there is something like the lottery or the piñatas going on, I'm always happy to trade tickets or click your piñata. 

Private Messages

If you are going to send me a message, all I ask is that you are polite. Other than that, I am always open to answer questions about my game, or give advice or instruction if a player asks for it. I’ve been on this game long enough that I think I know a decent amount about it, so send questions my way if you have any, or even just drop me a PM to say hi. I don't mind a quick chat.


My forum is very inactive right now. Perhaps that will change in the future.