Welcome to my page! I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the game, with one exception - please don't ask to purchase any of my horses, or ask me to purchase any of yours. The horses that I want to sell, I will put up for sale, and I rarely buy horses ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png?137722501. You can't ever have too many, right? Especially when you don't have to clean up after them!

If you have any questions, feel free to private message me, but keep in mind I am an adult player and do have a job, so I might not answer right away. My sister also plays - Maxie 66 - and she has different breeds than I do, so if you don't find what you're looking for here, go and visit Maxie!

There is a foal games schedule in the forum at my EC, Spartan Country, with more helpful topics to come soon!

Thank you for visiting!