Hi, my name is Sophie, I'm a 16 18 year old girl living in the UK. 
I love to roleplay. Check my forum or shoot me a message telling me about yourself if you would like to go on an adventure with me. 
Am proud to say in my short life I have overcome a fierce period of depression, where I lost two stone and nearly all my friends. Since then I am happier than ever. If you experiencing something similar, please do message me. 
I play, coach and umpire netball. (Now qualified). It keeps me happy and healthy and sociable. Last season I captained my team to Regional 2 and County Championship *go us*
I have  had a wonderful not so great boyfriend I've been with since 18/03/2014 and love dearly {don't tell him that} Since then found and lost someone better, but still not that great. Don't ever settle for less than what you're worth.(: 
Skyrim is the best game ever. /down with the thalmor/ 
GoT is the best show ever. ~ R + L = J ~ sidenote: i refuse to believe he's dead.  (yay!!) 
I love to talk - please shoot me a pm if ever you're lonely.