I’m an adult player who is best described as a cowgirl, pirate, ninja, Amazonian-Cajun princess, unicorn rider, cat herder, dog pack alpha, and robot army commander. I love horses first and foremost, followed by kitties and puppers big and small, creepy crawlies (bugs and reptiles), all things aquatic (especially seahorses and deep sea monsters), and all things ooky spooky (the kitschier the better). In short, I’m a fairly typical adult Howrse player. I’ve seen it all, and I have no time for foolishness.
** As of March 2018, Inifinity team Lippizan unicorns are the #1 Lippizan unicorns on the international server!

** As of Feb 2018, ~Fleur de Lis~ Friesian unicorns
are the #1 independently bred Freisian unicorns on the international server!
1. My Diamond Apple unicorns and other unicorns in my NOT FOR SALE DON'T EVEN ASK tab are *not* for sale. They are clearly labeled, and I will ignore anyone who asks and report repeated requests.

2. I've put a lot of time and effort into my account and collection for almost 8 years, so I follow the rules strictly. I do not trade or traffic (selling a horse for more than the legal limit) or buy anything outside of legal item exchanges and direct sales and auctions.
Friesian unicorns, Lippizan unicorns, black Percherons, Foundation unicorns, RC, BoM, SoA, BP, DSM, MH, and CB coats