Trading is not allowed, even via reserved sales. I was unaware, as I'm sure many are, and got scammed out of a good horse. When I tried to post so that others knew about the user, I was flagged for "naming and shaming". 

Moral of the story? Don't trade. There are shady users out there and Howrse will not support you if they scam you. I learned the hard way, and hopefully you can learn from me.

How I play:
My main goal has always been to breed for high GP.
I congratulate back as soon as possible.
I accept all friend requests.
If a horse isn't listed as for sale, but you're interested, PM me. I may not sell it to you in the end, but I'm willing to talk.
This is a game, and I'm playing it for fun (and because, like most of us, I'm a little horse crazy). So don't get your jimmies rustled and we'll get along great. 

I had an account back when Howrse started in 2007, but deleted it as I didn't have time to manage all the horses. When I deleted that account, an amazing gp was over 500 and six starred horses were making their debut. I could not have imagined that the game would have progressed as far as it did!  

Happy playing!