
Important Update to BMI Buy List: 

For right now I am too lazy to change it, so just pm me with a list of what bmi's you have for sale and I will let you know if I am interested or not. & remember to read the rules before you pm me. Thanks =)


7/7/14 I have been lurking in the shadows for the past few days getting my EC up and running again. It is back up to 59e lessons!

8/23/11 Rank 321th today!

8/22/11 Rank 323th today

8/21/11 Rank 324th today!

8/19/11 Rank 325th on my 325th day. How awesome is that?!

8/12/11 Rank 332th today!

7/28/11 Rank 333th today

7/24/11 Highest ranking of 334th was reached today!

7/22/11 Today I reached 335th in ranking and my ec went up to to 507th =)

7/21/11 Today I reached 337th in ranking and my ec went up to 527th =)

7/19/11 Today I reached 340th in ranking and  57th in popularity wewt =)

7/16/11 Today I reached ranking of 397th (66th in popularity) & my ec jumped up to 546th!

7/15/11 Today I got my very own Sapphire! One of the first on the game, I made mine exactly right when the website came up. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png?na4qsfhac I also attained my highest ranking yet of 421th today! My ec has a gold star and 10 divines boarded in it for the first time with a rank of 695th and gaining.

7/14/11 I reached my highest ranking yet of 452th today, hurray! Best part of that is I  didn't even plan on it to happen lols.

7/9/11 I start my new job on Monday 7/11 from 8 am to 2 pm central. From that time I won't be at home, so won't be able to accept any trades or respond to any messages until I get home. Don't expect me to get directly on the computer as soon as I get home. I might be busy with other things, but rest assured I will be online at some point in the day. ;)

6/29/11 Today I finally got my hands on my very first HSU today thanks to funnyone
& I just want to thank Miss Brenda for being such a wonderful player and friend.
She is sick and is going to be leaving the international version of Howrse for the US version. =(

New! I will enter banner, and sometimes avatar, contests.
Please only pm me if you are the one hosting the contest though. Thank you =)
I will buy any horse for 500e. No need to ask, just reserve and send me a pm to let me know it's there.
I will buy every time!
Please scroll down for my trading rules.
You MUST read them before you pm me about a trade of any kind, thanks.
Do NOT offer a stupidly low price for a horse I'm selling. Make all offers reasonable.
If you ask/beg for free items, are rude to me, post unfriendly things in my ec forum, ask me to buy a horse/item that isn't listed on my page, or ask to buy one of my horses that isn't advertised or listed for sale you will be reported.
For all those silly people on here who think that real friendship is earned and not just given out, news flash - this is a game and not real life. Sorry, but the same rules don't apply here. I am one of those people who don't discriminate just because your username is just a name to me. I will talk to anyone and add everyone (unless you are just plain rude). All you have to is send the request. Anyone can ask me anything, and I will try my best to help you with it. I'm still learning about the game myself (but then again, everyone is) but I pretty much got the basics down.
Just add and I will accept without question. =)

I LOVE getting banners made for me by other wonderful howrse players. If you want to make a banner for me, I will feature it with the rest of my collection on my page. It can be about anything, be creative as much as you like.
If you surprise me, I will love it. :)

I also enjoy doing simple graphics for people. If you want a simple graphic to have a transparent background please let me know and I'd be more than happy to help you out.
I can also cut out words on banners [w/ a transparent background] that you get when you create them on a graphic editing website.

Current status: I'm either online or I'm offline. I'm not always going to be paying attention to howrse.com, so if you send me a pm and it takes a while for me to get back to you please be patient. Thanks~ 

I ALWAYS need Aging Points. Anyone who sends me a free Aging Point (or bm 855f2acb12410ea8c7951e834f5ff498.png) will get a congratulations on their page.

None of my horses are for sale unless I have advertised somewhere that they are, or they are placed in the sales.

Some secret confessions included!

    My name is -insert name here- and I am pretty awesome, although you wouldn't think so unless you got to know me (which probably won't happen over howrse). I have met some amazing people online before who I found out were called Empaths. Empaths are highly sensitive individuals (aka HSI) who "feel" what other people are feeling and experiencing. Google Empaths if you don't understand or know what they are. Others who hold this gift are more than welcome to pm me. No I am not a fellow Empath, but they seem to be attracted to me as a moth is to flames and I would love to meet more.
      Only my close friends may know my real name. I am 24 years old so I am an adult player, and I live in the USA. I am very happy to work at -insert job here- and I love life. I can't complain whatsoever, well maybe for stupid drivers! Haha and I can be really happy about love. I love to make other people laugh and I love to watch anime. You can call me a nerd if you want, but I'm a cute nerd! I am what you would call a 'diamond in the rough' (what my best friend always called me). I love to laugh and have a good time and read books. Don't steal anything off of my page please. I will talk to anybody & will be anyone's friend. I also accept all friend requests and congrats that I see!  Depending on my mood at the time, I can come off as curt or blunt but that is just my nature. So hopefully you don't get easily offended! I love talking to people, so if you wanna know anything else then just message me.

I'll get back to you I promise. :3

Banners made by others:
Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!Tulip1998
2ykl4lc.gif748123094_1302223.gif marenma

Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts