Guys!!! Follow Me on the big instagram :) I follow back so gooooo!!!!

Cool, Thanks :)

I'm sorry but I just have to rant about this. What is the big deal about uni rejects? You DO NOT need to sell them at a high price, they are not wanted as much as an actual uni. There is no special thing about a uni reject it's just a normal horse. So please stop treating it like it is something more. It is annoying!

Hey guys! My name is Megan I am 16 years old. I have quite a few pets, haha! I have two horses named Ivy and Justice, two dogs named Luke and Java, two cats named Remy and Kaliapy, a guinea pig name Clearance, and two birds who aren't yet named. 

I have been playing on this site since 2007 but my other account got hacked about three years ago which was really devistating because I put so much work into it. But this account is by far my favorite. 

My unicorns and GA horses are not for sale! 

I am willing to trade BM items if you need any of them I have:
3X Black Orchid
3X Pandora's Box
2X Zeus' Lightning Bolt
2X Croesus' Fortune
1X Pluto's Parchment
1X Chronos' Timer
1X Water of Youth
1X Philotes' Stroke