Hello! I just completely revamped my presentation. I am Samhoku, female, 29 years old this year. I am charmed to meet you all. Please get permission from your parents if you are younger than 16 to speak with me. I am cool with talking to teens, but I just don't want to be held liable for anything. 

I have two toddlers and I am due in April of this year! (2024)

I was homeschooled for all my kid/teen years. 

I have so many hobbies:
1. West Coast Swing Dancing
2. Knitting
3. Sewing
4. Reading
5. Writing
6. Stamp collecting 

I don't do much with ASL anymore, but I still have Deaf friends. I want to get back into it but finding time is sometimes so hard! 

I was married almost 4 years ago.

I am a friendly person and I love PMs. 

God Bless.