^^^ Defrost a Frost above for a chance to win a Hypnos Blanket and be entered into a monthly lottery to win Frost! ^^^

I’m a 27 year old who works on Television Broadcast Production. I’ve loved horses ever since I was little, but a combination of growing up in the city, and lack of money meant I could never own my own horse, but I used to ride a grey Welsh pony called Connie (who was nuts), a huge piebald cob called Topaz and a grey Dutch warmblood called Tokyo when I was a kid.
I love video games, and spend a horrifying amount of time on Final Fantasy 14, but nowadays when I’m not on there during my free time, I’m trying to revive this Howrse account.
I lost a lot of my privileges during the “Purge” a few years ago, including an eternal wealth privilege and all of my Grand Prix buffs, but when I returned this time I seemed to have gotten my Apollos Lyre privilege back, so if you’re here because you keep seeing my colourful names everywhere: Sorry, not sorry!