click 1
  Hello. I'm 36 years old and live in Berlin. (Central European Standard Time: GMT+1
Central European Summer Time: GMT+2)
I will accept most friend requests, so just send one if you want to :-%29%29.png.
I am not someone who enjoys random chats. So, if you want a "hi, how are you"-conversation, please  pm someone else.

I always try to keep my posts uninsulting (although I am admittedly not always overly friendly to rude people, but "not friendly" is not the same as "rude", is it?), but sometimes I apparently mean to say something and people understand something else. So, if I was insulting you somehow, I apologise for that, and ask you to pm me (preferably in a calm way) with what exactly was insulting and why. I have to say, accidentally insulting people is rather embarrassing to someone who is supposed to speak English nearly as good as her mother tongue xD.png?yzvdn3fdfsopf0.
From the PM-page (so, that rule is official): "Using this feature for advertising purposes is prohibited." prohibited=forbidden!

Please do not use chat-speak when sending a PM to me. I would have to decode it [have to first find out what is supposed to be a word and not a typo, then think about how a letter or number is pronounced English, then try to think of English words that are pronounced more or less like that and then look if the found words make sense in the context], and why should I take the effort (and risk a headache) for a possibly totally unimportant message? I won't!
:p.png I will probably just ignore the PM, as it can not be that important if you won't even take the time to write real words instead of gibberish. Or I will tell you what I think of such rudeness ...
(Side note: If you write real words, you don't need to put them through google translate; I started learning English in 5th of 13 grades and google mangles texts ;) )
If you send me chain-mails, I will have to assume you think I am totally stupid! ("repost this and something good happens"?! come on, I'm not a six-year-old any more to believe in such nonsense%28n%29.png) I report people who tell me they think I am stupid ...

By the way, if your parents say you need their permission to speak with adults, please tell them (while getting that permission) that those they are afraid of will simply lie about their age ...

I do not do private trades.
Horses I am willing to sell are in the Sales. Horses not in the Sales are not for sale. I am not interested in buying horses at the moment (unless you want to get rid of a metal element, then maybe :-)).png?2094481059)

I sometimes buy "this or sh"-horses ... and put them in the Safe Haven. Their former owners can't complain.... :p.png?boIscpjv
my eggs:

random eggs from Eggs Around The World:
Show all friends in lottery when no drop-down: 'space' *
I try to send a lottery ticket to all friends - I decided to kick people of the list who have not been on for more than 50 days to keep the numbers down a tiny bit. If you play again, resend the request.

game help->breeders manual->creation space->6.2 - Selecting illustrations-> ;)

What I personally look for when voting in the creation space:

To those saying the rule about no religious posts should go away - you do not (!) really want that. Rules are the same for everyone, and if the rule were gone, you would have no grounds for complaining when someone said that everything you believe is wrong. Because that would be their (!) right then. Look how many different kinds of beliefs there are. Look how many of those clash with yours. Do you really want to read about all those and why people think they are right and want to convince you of it? Don't try to tell me how to live my life, or I will tell you how to live yours. :p.png?2022188751

josephbriefmarkeneu.gifnow that's a cute vampire:-%29%29.pngml6vsi.jpgchatspeak.jpg
By the way, here some info for the "the Safe Haven is such a horrible place, we have to rescue horses from there"-crowd: from the Oxford Dictionaries Online:

"safe haven


a place of refuge or security."
... yeah ... right ... lets "rescue" pixel horses from a place of refuge or security ... it isn't as if their owners wanted the horses to be there, after all ...

songs I like:
Owl City - Fireflies
Céline Dion - Because You Loved Me
Unheilig - Geboren Um Zu Leben start 28.06.2010 at 23:06 Game Time
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today” ~ James Dean
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ~ Maria Robinson
“Don't worry about life, you're not going to survive it anyway.”:p.png
“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.” ~ Stuart Chase
you'll find more quotes in my ec forum :-%29%29.png

and from "Night Season" from Eileen Wilks on the bottom of page 91, Cullen (a werewolf) explains to Mika (a dragon) the concept of fairness and why people can have different opinions about what is fair: "Fairness is moral equity or balance. Unfairness is moral debt. That's why it seems subjective -- morality's a slippery bugger. A child might think it's unfair that he has to do his homework when his friends are outside playing. He doesn't yet understand the morality of discipline. And, of course, some adults have no more moral understanding than a child. They'll cry 'unfair' when they don't get what they want."


Some people say they are big readers. That they're so into books it's not funny. However the only way to tell is if they
1) Suddenly gasp when something exciting happens in the book.
2) Start talking to the book because that's not how they want the book to go.
3) Hurl the book across the room when one of their favourite characters dies.
Copy and paste this if you are one of these people.

1) I tend to laugh out loud or giggle
2) I just imagine my own ending
3) one doesn't treat Books that way, the logical thing is to put the author on your black list and never ever buy a book from him/her again!:p.png(unless of course the author comes to his/her senses and un-kills the character 

Talking about books: here are some books I like; if the cover isn't English, then I don't know the English version.
I like fun(ny) books, but remember that I am adult, so kids please check if a given book is appropriate for your age before reading it (a).png?21987422 (Sometimes my sense of what's funny is a bit unusual, and for some scenes you just need a certain age to be able to appreciate the, ahem, fun :-%29%29.png)


TV series I like (I only know the German versions) : Eureka, Dr. House, Primeval, Supernatural, Moonlight, Greys Anatomy, Warehouse 13, Psych

I let it analyse the introduction of my bachelor thesis. Now, is this result good or bad? 8ygk9sz
I write like
H. P. Lovecraft

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

%28lol%29.png?QwDfefsd4 ask google: I just found some things to ask google, pay attention to the result of the calculator :p.png?QwDfefsd4
google "number of horns on a unicorn", or "the answer to life the universe and everything" and google even knows "the answer to life the universe and everything plus number of horns on a unicorn"