As of the 31st December 2023 I have been on this game for 6,000 days. That's an achievement in itself!

If you are in need of blupping schedules that cover all the current breeds of horse, pony and donkey including crossbreeds, as well as the Misaki Riding Horse, go to my EC forum, its all there.

a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582023526.pngRest easy mum, 3rd Feb 1934 to 30th July 2023a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582023526.png Love you to the moon and back 

Here is a links to my Topaz, Frost, Archimedes and Xanthos.

Can everyone who congratulates me take the time to check out my EC's home page - its in need of help with how many see it (helps with rankings too)

Happy to accept all friend requests.

Something for you to think about:

This game is the mirror image of yourself, so think carefully before you do or say anything on this game. If you are kind in real life then you will be kind here, however if you are rude to others then this game may not be for you.

A little about me, my name is Janet, I am a mature player and have been playing this game for over 10 years now. I still enjoy playing this game and hope to for some time to come.

My username came from my beloved mare, Bronze. Registered name Indian Bronze. She was a registered part bred Arab cross Thoroughbred mare. 

She was also the greatest love of my life. She laid down in the sun one morning to have a warm after a bitter minus 6 degree C frost here in my small town and never woke up - 27th June 2017. She was 34 years of age when she left me and had owned me for 32 and a half wonderful years. Missed daily but dearly loved by all who knew her.

I still really enjoy this game. However there are elements of this game I really do not like: 

Admin stopped listening to us older players who have been here the longest sadly a long time ago (those of us who still play the game).