I've been playing howrse since 2009, on and off. My main goal for this game is to collect golden apple coats, and have them all trained and have a 100% BLUP. Therefore I am always looking for these items; Achilles Heel, Golden Apple, Helios Ray, Chronos Timer, Pilotes Stroke. If you have any you want to sell, or trade, please send me a PM with what you are looking for and I will consider. I usually don't buy horses who is already given golden apples, but if you have one you want to sell, you can always send me a PM and I will consider if I want it and give you an offer. I always accept friend request, and usually always send back tickets or help in events when asked. I absolutely don't bite, so dont be afraid to send me a message, however keep in mind that I am an adult player in my 20's.
Currently working on my account to get some system. I'm collecting golden apple coats, I am therefore often on the look out for golden apple, achilles heel, harmony pack etc. Horses are a mess at the moment as i am sorting them into tabs, blupping and coating horses. However, I usually don't sell horses unless they are listed for sale, so I would appreciate not being asked to sell horses.
