Hi there! Thanks for checking out my page. I created my account in 5th grade 855f2acb12410ea8c7951e834f5ff498.pngand have played sporadically and noncompetitively since then. Currently, my main interests on Howrse are collecting Wanderer's Spirit unicorns and high GP donkeys.

I am looking to buy unicorns with the following Wanderer's Spirit coats: Atlantico, Indiana, Desert, and Atoll. Looking to pay between 500k - 1.5m equus depending on the horse. Please PM me if you're looking to sell!

*I accept all random friend requests and will help you out during events.
*If you sold a horse to me in Direct Sales at the wrong price, please let me know! I will sell it back no questions asked if you message me politely and promptly after the sale.

Answer a question from my Archimedes and win an aging point! 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png