about me 
i accept all friend requests. shy, but you can pm me.
-horse lover. 
i have ridden for over ten years, leasing several horses in the process and have loved every one of them. hunter/jumpers - equitation
-uni drop out. 
if i was to ever go back i'd want to do something with film or writing. i love to write bts fanfiction mostly and am working to publish one of my works on a03. 
baby im bi bi bi. love is love people. don't hate, spread the rainbow my friendo. major celebrity crush is bex taylor-klaus, shes my avatar!  
-music: kpop - bts and vixx especially (of which, i got to see bts live in chicago '17), alt rock, 00's hits, my chemical romance
-tv: atla, lok, the office, skins, sherlock, merlin, shameless, got, vld, teen wolf, the 100, bojack horseman
-movies: spirit:stallion of the cimarron, scott pilgrim vs the world, superbad, harry potter, any ghibli film
-books: harry potter, american gods, the stand, nightshade, canterwood crest

*M mature rating for language and content on all my tumblr accounts and my a03. that being said, my da account is pg. please consider the mature rating before clicking on the links* 
      main tumblr
      kpop tumblr
      aesthetic blog
  a03 account - (no works uploaded at the moment...i'm hoping to upload a chapter by the end of the year)
my game 
-dreaming of altea
my twin pennyroyal and i semi-competitively breed lusitanos focusing more on all around skills rather than the highest gp possible. with a decent gp and extraordinary skills, that's what makes a doa horse stand out from the rest. 
-my ec, cornerstone farm 
my prestigious center has no gp requirements, giving anyone the chance to enjoy the fine amenities. currently at 101 3* boxes, my ec is constantly growing not just in size but in prestige as well. benefits include: water troughs and showers in each stall, 3* saddles and bridles, polos, saddle blankets, bonnets, mash, carrots, hay, and oats. 
if you'd like to reserve a box (space permitting) pm me for details.   

avatar made by oblivion.
layout made by lazarus
iggy | 22 | aries | ravenclaw | army | bi