I recently changed my username to RedWood, it was previously wawanaka10.

I have several horses for sale right now! Go check them out!  


My Game

I breed Mustangs exclusively and my main goal is to try and keep up a bit with the GP race. I breed some decent horses when I get caught up with it all, so I'd like to think I'm doing alright.

My "For Sale" tab is exactly as it sounds. All horses in that tab are up for sale and can be negotiated. Currently the tab has several horses. I usually don't have a set price for any of them (I discuss that with the interested buyer) so please make REASONABLE offers! I will still work with these horses every day, which also means that their value will increase. I occasionally will throw these horses in the auctions and if they sell, they sell, if not I just continue to work with them for a little bit before having another go at the auctions.  

My tab of horses without a breeding farm are ones that I don't really take care of for various reasons. They are not for sale.

The "Working Reds"  tabs are my top horses used for breeding and competitions. Horses will only go into these tabs once they are fully BLUPed. They are NOT for sale. Unless the horse is in the For Sale tab, please don't ask to buy them. The "Training Reds" tab are horses that are in training to upgrade to the Working Reds, also NOT for sale. 

The two "Hold" tabs are either past Working Reds horses or Training Reds that I am currently not focused on or working with right now. Also, NOT for sale.


About Me

Hi, I'm Renee (21 yrs.) and a nursing student in Texas. In the horse related world - I used to ride and work at a stables, but quit back in high school due to my scheduling and being unable to provide my horse his best home. In the real world - I am a phlebotomist and home caregiver. 

I'm pretty neck deep with college and work most of the time, and over the years I have come back and forth with the game because of that, so summer is usually when I'm more active since I'm usually not in class or only taking a few summer courses. 

I live with my boyfriend and our two cats (Hawkeye and Radar - named from the TV show M*A*S*H). My parents have my dog with them (blue heeler named Rodeo) and he's a total nut. I can't imagine having him live with us in an apartment, he'd lose his mind and I think I would too. When my boys aren't sleeping in my lap or begging for food I spend a lot of my free time watching Netflix and Hulu, so if you have any good show or movie recommendations I'm up to hear them (assuming I haven't already watched them, lol). 

A few facts just for fun:

1. I've been playing Howrse on and off since first making an account back in the 5th grade

2. If you ask me my favorite color, I'll say red, but then when I ever have to pick the color of something it's always green; so I think green is secretly my favorite color that I won't admit to myself

3. I've attended 3 colleges in the span of 2 years before finally settling with the university I'm at now. It's been difficult to admit I was unhappy, but I'm very glad I transferred and my boyfriend really helped me see that I didn't have to stay miserable with the town and school I was originally at. 

4. I'm majoring in nursing to get a BSN, with a completed minor in psychology. I'm planning on going back for my MSN and I'm thinking I ultimately want to become a Nurse Practitioner (specifically an OGNP) with a Nurse Midwife certification. All of that could change, of course, but I really would like to help women specifically. I personally have experienced life changing results from my own OGNP and as someone struggling with my own reproductive disorder, I'd like to be able to help other women the way she helped me.


5. Besides women's health, I'm very passionate about cats. I had two cats growing up who both passed back when I was in high school, but adopted the two boys that we have now on January 5th, 2018 and they have brought such an intense happiness in my life. These two little fluffy love filled animals are 100% my babies and I can't imagine going another day of my life without a cat in it. 

6. I love art and traveling. I studied abroad twice in high school (France and Germany) and it was a great experience. I'd love to do it again, but in the mean time I visit art exhibits that come through. I recently saw my second Monet exhibit and I absolutely loved seeing his real art in front of my own face just as much as I did the first time. It was surreal to an extent, but he is my favorite artist so that perhaps explains the excitement.

7. I've never been very athletic, but I used to ride and had a horse in middle/high school. I always jokingly said I liked it because the horse did the real work while I just had to stay on. I ended up having to give him up because he needed an owner who could devote more time to him. I was sad, but I know I made the best decision for him and that's absolutely what mattered. 

8. In place of riding, I've actually picked up skiing and go on a trip every year with my dad. I really enjoy it, and it's been fun teaching my boyfriend who now goes along with us as well. We don't have any skiing in Texas, so we always have to go somewhere else, and that has been one of my biggest motivators to move to another state once I've finished my first degree. We plan to move to Colorado in a few years and I'm very excited to see how that goes.

9. I really like rock music, I'd say it's my favorite genre. I like something from pretty much all genres, but rock is the main one I listen to. I don't go to concerts and things very often (it's hard when you're short), but I saw Tash Sultana last year and she's a favorite of mine.

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