I ACCEPT ALL FRIEND REQUESTS For any of the Promotions!

 05/20/2023 - Wow its been a minute since I updated my stuff. Cleaned up my profile a little :) 

Please Note -  Any foals I have for sale are often rejects from my Uni projects. I'm currently breeding Welsh Unicorns and normal Welsh ponies too. I have a good collection of Divines, I know a few can be sold, but they wont be. I love my divines and this is their forever home! 

Q& A - 

Comps!? Are you a STOMPER?! - No. I play the comps like anyone else. My retired studs/mares are only aged once a day, I do not "comp stomp" with any of these comp fillers. Per the rules only 2 of my horses can be in each race, I pick the comps at the top of the list and go on down. Many of my 2000+ GP studs have already won their 20 but I do have some that do not. I am not "targeting" anyone or any horse. Just like everyone else I am trying to get their 20 wins and after that theyre fillers for the races that have divine/wilds in them. But if my horse is constantly beating yours PLEASE kindly message me and I will try to avoid those races. I do look at names. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png?1828806360 



About Me

Hi, I'm Heather. I'm a fun loving, laid lack kinda girl, I like to go with the flow. I am 34 as of March and so kiddies please be sure to ask for permission. I am a stepmom to 2 boys (17 & 13) and mama to a 7 year boy and a beautiful 4 year old who is autistic. (last time I updated my profile it was 2019 and she was 7 months.)

I play World of Warcraft, Second Life and neopets when not here.

I've been here on howrse since 2009!! I train my stud muffins (Secret Meadow's Studs) I occasionally put them into the comps and have covers avaliable from them!! :) I am going to be strictly be breeding Welshie Unicorns :)

The main programs I am doing is breeding Welsh Unicorns, Arab Unis and Gypsy Vanners. Dabbling in a few others.


Of Secret Meadows Unicorns


Of Sweet NIB Arabs


Here are the Unicorns of Secret Melodies!

*** SEARCHING FOR - Black, White, & Palamino Over 400GP Foals! Willing to Pay 10,000e + 1 pass per foal completely untrained, since I like to train my foals. Foal especially colts will be trained, givena GA, Lyre, training items and forever loved. Same with the mares. All will be retired when the time comes. Will Never be SHed, nor allowed to die for a pass. They are a part of my ever extensive GA collection and in the future maybe immortalized and reintroduced into the breeding herd. All Unis are subject to this :) None that are bought will ever leave here :)

ALL My Adult Unicorns, Have Golden Apple Coats, Some are Retired Coats. I Do Not Sell My GA Unis, especially the Retired Coats. If they dont have a coat yet means they could possibly in the future be for sale OR I just havent gotten to the yet.**

Requests can be made at any time for covers from my stallies the higher the GP the higher the cost for the cover.

I am always in need of aging points so donations are always welcome! :)

I WILL Rarely sell my uni foals, I will sell them to my sister, and occasionally to the public if money is needed but like I said I will hardly sell my Unis.


NIB Arab Program!! I will also dabble in breeding NIB Friesians also :)

I will pay 10,000e for any Arab/Friesians Foundies

7,000e Foundie Foals, G1, G2, etc.

What Is NIB!? - Non In-Bred, means in the family tree you will only find one horse once on the tree while In-bred horses you will see many parents multiple times.

Brand New... well News

5/6/2019 - Holy Cheese on Toast! Nearly 6 years since I've updated!!! Good lord. I had 2 kids since my last update, I was pregnant with my oldest boy. Had a baby girl in Oct. I no longer play on the US server, (purged due to inactiveness) So I am solely here. I've gotten MARRIED! O_O to skipn26 in RL. Percherons are on the back burner while I focus on my unicorns and Divines/Wilds.

1/23/2013 - I cleaned up my page so I got rid of news over 2 years old!!

3/17/13 - Three Times Blessed was gifted to me and I'm still in shock!!!! He will never be sold EVER!!! I'm going to be training him!

1/23/2013 - Current & Future Comps - It was brought to my attention about how I've been "stomping" the comps. It's usually for the 20 wins thats needed to Blup and multiple comps are needed. I go along the list I'm not hitting certian comps with certian horses in them. It's usually another Blupper messaging me. I'm not intentionally "stomping" the comps with a certian horse in it. I'm trying to bold and blup my stallions the fastest way and thats usually just going down the list. I do also put my mares into the comps to be filler horses for other people or with my stallions if I want to train them super quickly. Since I have limited time and aging points I wont be "hogging all the comps" most nights... I dont mind getting PMs requesting I avoid some comps, but the instant someone gets snotty, theyre being reported. I'm trying to blup and bold my stallions like everyone else. :/

Older News from 2012 -

All PMs refurring to my GA/RC Unis,horse/pony/peg RC's unless Ive a doubles Will Be Ignored. I've posted it enough that my GAs/RCs Are Not For Sale or For Trade, that I'm tired of posting it SO I made this lovely notice. I've worked hard for my coats, and many are my favorites. Ranging from Evening Star, the first foal ever born to me, to Secret of the Moon who is the sire of my first Unicorns. I'm sorry if this makes anyone angry, but I have the right not to talk "business" with anyone about MY horses who are not for sale. This past week I've gotten many messages about my GA/RC horses. I honestly dont want to part with them. How hard is that to understand!? Sorry for being harsh, but its honestly looks like nobody responds to NO anymore. Ive posted this on the US server also because of my one RC.

Thanks for reading, and please respect my wishes.

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