About Myself
I always try to be polite to others -- I expect the same from you.
I accept all friend requests and send all my friends event items (lottery tickets, etc.) when I can!
I also give friends priority on sales, breeding, and trades if interested.
I am an adult player. I majored in Animal and Dairy Science and Production and currently work in commercial hog production. I previously trained dogs, but I no longer have the facilities. I am 28 and happily married to a wonderful man. We have two dogs, a cur and a Malinois. I love video games -- when I have the time to play them, haha. Mostly adventures and rpgs, but my tastes do vary widely. Some of my favorites are the Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Bioshock, Dragon Age, Animal Crossing, and Kingdoms of Amalur. I am also an avid roleplayer. I tend towards purely original content, be it medieval, fantasy, sci-fi, or whathaveyou.
I am always in the mood for an Elder Scrolls rp!
About My Game

My horses without a breeding farm are all for sale -- if you'd like to negotiate for one, just send me a message! I try to price horses reasonably, and I would be glad to arrange a trade or deal to offset costs for those in need. Most of my sales are either based on market comparisons or, "Let's throw a number on it, and see what happens."

If you would like to place a horse I produced into the Safe Haven, please offer them back to me first. I will always buy back horses I have produced at a reasonable price -- at the very least, more than the SH will grant you.

Please keep this in mind!

I don't really have a focus at present. I have an affection for Knabstruppers, and I have branched out into Percherons. I have always loved draft horses, and I'm excited to see them finally on Howrse!

I maintain a few PSH unicorns, but I would like to branch out into Marwari or Knabstruppers.

I am very open to trades for unicorns!