Hiatus due to college


"The Doctor is in . . ."

Last updated August, 2018

Xanthos // Xanthos // Xanthos // Xanthos // Xanthos
Archimedes // Frost
Topaz // Topaz // Topaz // Topaz // Topaz

Note: I do read each and every message I get. It may take me a few days to get to it as I am not always online, but do expect me to get to it eventually. I'm currently accepting friend requests, as it is useful for events. Please don't message me if you're under 18.

UPCOMING: Lurking . . .


June 29, 2018 updates: Occasionally stopping by. I have been somewhat spotty on here for the past few years, so I'm not acclimated with how much the game has changed.