I will be taking an extended leave from the game.  I'm not sure when I will return to an active status if ever, but I will be checking in every so often so my account does not get deleted.
All Around Me

Welcome to Gelassenheit Stables!

I am back to play again after a break of 2+ years, I know that's horrible.  But, I'm open to joining teams.  Breeds I've been pretty good with are Mustangs, PSH's, Paints and especially Thoroughbreds!!

Thoroughbreds have ALWAYS been my go to breed.  My primary affix is Eternity, my secondary affix is Wicked Flitacy. These have both been centered around my foundation horses.  I still have my very first horse, Barbaro.  I'm looking for team members, and I'm not interested in spending hundreds of dollars to race to the top either.

Thanks to catchup, I picked up breeding these horses.  She bought passes and got three of them, giving me one.  I'm not as focused on this breed as I am on Thoroughbreds, but never the less, I do love them.  I'm working on blupping my first horses, but it's very hard because western competions requirements on barrel racing changed and thats what all of my horses were trained for.

Purebred Spanish Horses
I have always loved these horses, but it is more a side project than anything.  I am open to teams for these horses, and I'm in the process of breeding the original horses I bought to higher GP horses to get better foals.

Paint Horses
Recent Addition!  I picked these horses up because I love the way they cross with thoroughbreds to create better competition horses.

I actively cross Thoroughbreds with Friesians, Irish Hunters and Paint Horses.  Currently I am looking into other crosses as well.  These are more for fun and done randomly, rather than on a schedule and throughout multiple generations.

Blupping Project-
I am currently buying cheaper foals from the sales and will be training them up to achieve 100 BLUP.  The foals/horses in training you can find under my Sales tab.  Once they reach 100 BLUP and full training, they will be placed up for sale.  Prices are dependent on what horses of similar GP at 100 BLUP are going for.  Each horse will have at least a Whip for a bonus.