
 KNEE REPLACENT SURGERY # 2 on 6-8, so currently on here very little, progressing slowly.

Welcome to Miller's Paradise

10-12-11 My Sleipnir ran away this morning.  I have been sick and my mother-in-law is in the hospital, not expected to make it.   I hope whoever got him enjoys him.

10-25-11 A HUGE Thank You to skittlesgirl4 for getting Sleipnir back home!!

5-29-10 I am the breeder of the 92nd Croesus on the game from the achievements!  

Words can not describe how happy I am to finally have my own Sleipner!  11-16-10  Thanks, howrse!  He only cost me 2 passes! 

1-23-11  Just got a Mist in the flash sales!

1-31-11 I now own an Ocean as well!

8-19-11  I got a Gypse from the puzzles!

11-10-11  Proud to add Jade from the Halloween potions!

Proud owner of this Xanthos and this one! Good luck to all who stroke them!

Proud 340 time Xanthos winner!

I accept most friend requests, but beware...I occasionally clean up my list and delete players who haven't logged in for 30 days or more...


Hi, and welcome to my page.

First, a little bit about me: I have been on howrse since about 2 months after it started (June 20, 2007). I am an adult player. My daughter got me hooked. I have loved horses since I was a girl, and although I have never had a horse of my own, I enjoy riding. I am definitely addicted to the game. I log on nearly every day, except for the rare occasion that we are out of town and have no internet access.

I live in the sunny state of Florida with my husband (married 27 years), my daughter (14), my son (12), two Golden Retrievers, a cat, and 2 aquariums of fish. We also foster Golden Retrievers for our favorite rescue group, GREAT (, and usually have at least one foster dog in addition.

We live near the ocean.  The beach is my other addiction,  I go about 3 times a week during the summer but I have been known to schedule my trips to the beach around my competitions (yes, I know...that's pretty sad, isn't it?)  ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png

I have never bought passes with real money. I manage very well without doing that (although sometimes I wish I had more Black Market items.) I get my passes from sending pass horses to heaven mostly and get a lot of Black Market items from contests.  I have managed to get two of the top three skills bolded by age 10 and 10 or more wins by age 10, so it IS possible to do this without black market items. Update : At 11 years 4 months, Great Balls of Fire got his 20th win! He will have 100 BLUP after the update, with absolutely no black market items! I am so proud!  My first horse died at age 34 years 6 months. I had another horse that died at 36 years 4 months. I am constantly experimenting with my old horse techniques.  

I have sent several hundred horses to heaven for a pass and I always have several more on the way.  I am always happy to give advice on old horse care and I always look at your particular horse rather than giving general advice.

Please check my forum for advice about caring for old horses.  I have information on Genetic Potential, BLUP, Green Stars, and all of the Riding Levels, as well as other posts.  If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. I am more than happy to help. I do not generally offer public coverings, but if you are interested in a covering from one of my stallions, please message me and I will be more than happy to reserve one for 200 equus. I also do not generally sell horses, but if you make a reasonable offer, I will consider it.

Thank you Sarah for my 5000th congratulations!


In honor of GemTwist's husband 12-24-08
