Thanks for visiting my page 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec_v1582023526.png

I’m an adult player from the UK. I accept all friend requests and try to congratulate friends and everyone who congratulates me as often as I can! 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582023526.png Very happy to help in any way I can - feel free to send me a message0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab_v1582021737.pngbut I won’t respond to random “hi”-type messages 53668fab6fc0973bbddb7e183ed221b4_v1582021737.png

I’ve been on here quite a while now. No real focus, just love horses! e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b_v1582023526.png

Normally I only have time to log in occasionally but I’m finding myself here more and more at the moment...

Hope everyone is staying safe and well a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

 Happy Howrs’ing!