Well I'm currently 44, I started when I was 40, I live in the MidWest of the US, where it's usually COLD in the winter & HOT in the summer, my sister moved to Pittsburgh, PA a while ago & thought they were crazy when they were complaining about the heat because it was only in the 70's or so & St. Louis get's up into the 90's & 100's.

I like animals more than people, I'm perfectly fine chatting online but I'm not sure what to do with a live person.

As far as Howrse goes I bought a copy of Young Rider for the Bella Sara promo card inside & it had an immortality code for Howrse, I'd been looking for a good horse sim that didn't use real horse names & pictures like some of the kiddy sims do, the real horse people are rather ticked off with the sim players who steal their usually famous horses IDs/pics & use all the horses stats for their own use so Howrse is just perfect for me since you can name your horse anything but there's no way you could get in trouble with real horse people over your cyber horse that's only a realistic drawing that has to establish its own performance & breeding records.

Other than Howrse, I do several other horse games & Neopets.  I'm very into Anime/manga & I'm really into Inuyasha as well as some more obscure stuff. I read lots of fanfiction on a variety of sites. I also make cards using rubber stamps, it's much easier to color in a stamped image than it is to draw it by hand, especially when your hand/eye coordination is shot & pretty much always has been. I also make jewelry, started out with earrings & have branched out into pretty much everything over the last several months to a year.

I plan to try drawing & painting a horse to scan & submit for the black pearl, I used to be a fairly decent artist at a rather kiddy level, so it may look like a grade schooler drew it but I'll do my best.  I hope I can get whatever I draw into the right format to submit since I have no idea how to use photoshop type programs since I've never had any reason to use them before.

Well that's all I can think of so I hope this is good enough.