If you are on my friends list, I will help you with whatever is the current promotion and hope you do the same! I have sent a ticket/water/whatever if we are doing a contest. Please return the favour. Good Luck!

All my DA’s are NOT for sale. 

If you have a question please fill free to ask.



You Are A: Pony!

ponyWho doesn't love a pony? You are one of these miniature horses, renown for your beauty and desired by many. Full of grace, you are a beautiful and very special animal, full of strength and majesty.

You were almost a: Lamb or a Bear Cub
You are least like a: Kitten or a MouseThe Cute Animals Quiz


Which Howrse Divine or Special are YOU?
Your Result: Gypse

resultYou are very playful and are liked because of it! You are quite constructive and helpful! The gypse was brought in when howrse had all the beach stuff!

Which Howrse Divine or Special are YOU?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz



What type of howrse player are you?
Your Result: You're a good player!

resultCongratulations! You're a good, normal player. You respect the rules, aren't afraid to ask questions and answer them if you know the answer! You are the sort of player the howrse game was made for. And hey- you're addicted, because you play the game right. Well Done!

You're a mini mod.
You are a collector!
You are a breeder!
You hope to be famous...
You cause chaos..

What type of howrse player are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
