So, I'm a teenage girl, this is all I'm saying. Anything else about me I shall not say. What I will say is I own a beautiful Chocolate Labrador named Bella. I love her to pieces! I recently became interested in graphics, so I tend to make them quite often :) You know how some people like books because they can lose themselves and be in their own little world, their own imagination? That's how I feel about graphics! I can just lose myself, and drift off and make my imagination come alive :3 Find me on dA @Boots-Bella :) But to tell you the truth, I'm not arty! I cannot draw to save my life! Trust me, if someone said "Draw me a panda or your dragon gets it" I'd have to say bye bye dragon! My panda would look like a snow man with two black eyes. You could say "but that would almost look like a panda!", no, somehow it would just look like mush. Wow, I'm just rambling on, what am I even on about? Hmm... Not sure... Anyways, I'm so proud of this new layout! :D Made it a few weeks ago but only just got round to coding it! I'm extremely busy with homework right now so if I don't reply to a message or make a layout on time, I'm very sorry! If PMing me, I'd prefer not to use chat speak. Thanks.