Hi! I'm julia2, welcome to my page! My main focus is cross breeding, under the affix Willowie Cross-Fire.

I am a non pass buyer, but I own divines and complete promos which proves that with hard work you CAN succeed in this game! I am always willing to give help and advice.

My Profile Picture is of a stunning Qh/Riding pony filly called Chilli. Over the last couple of weeks, we have started to break her in. She is going amazingly!

I own two horses in real life. I have a 13.3 hh welsh pony called Teddy, I have owned him for nearly 7 years, and he wont be going anywhere.
I was also gifted another horse, a 16.2 hh thoroughbred called Bean. He was my pool horse when I participated in the Australian National Interschool Equestrian Championships, and his lovely owners gave him to me for free afterwards because we made such a great team! He made the long trek across the country, and is now settled into his new home.


Thanks for visiting my page!