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I'm breeding my uni mare at the right time/when I have coverings avail. She hasn't had a uni foal after 7 tries now, could this be a glitch?

4 answers36 views

Answer verified

At the start of January 2024, there was a change in the way unicorn coverings work. From that time on, when a mare has given you 5 no-horn foals, the sixth one will 100% guaranteed be a unicorn. Or more exact: after 5 PREGNANCIES the sixth one will give you a unicorn foal.
But there is 1 thing you have to keep in mind: all the pregnancies have to be from coverings that were done AFTER that date.
(Capitals for emphasis, I do not mean to be shouting.)

You can read more about this in the changelog of January 2nd:

So, my guess would be that at least the first two pregnancies of you mare will be from before January this year, and that means they don't count.

If that is not the case, I'd send a ticket to Contact Us (bottom right of each page). Add screenshots if you can, they will help them solve the mystery.
the above answer is incorrect, it is impossible to use anything but a unicorn stallion of the right breed to cover a unicorn mare.
The 5 thumbs down answer is wrong, there is no option to use a non-unicorn Stallion on a unicorn mare. The only options are unicorn x unicorn. You can't cross breed unicorns of other breeds as the game won't let you. Same with non-uni to uni-mare.
Also, you may not be getting any unicorn foals if you are not using a male unicorn to cover your mare. I think both parents of a foal must be unicorns to get a unicorn foal.