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what's the seasonal schedule? summer, fall, winter, spring.

2 answers41 views

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From the Breeder's Manual, linked at the bottom of the page, Section 1.2 on Weather and Seasons: On Howrse, the seasons last one week. Fall starts on the first day of each real month. Since each season lasts 1 week, Winter begins on the 8th, Spring arrives on the 15th, and Summer starts on the 22nd. Summer lasts until the end of the real month, then the cycle of seasons starts again the next month. In-game seasons have an impact on the amount of grass in meadows. There is a lot of grass in fertile meadows during the Spring and Summer, but it gets scarce in winter.
In addition: Seasons also have impact on how fast meadows regenerate back to 100% fertility.
And on the divine Snowflake, who has significantly lower skills in spring and summer (he's like melting then ;)), and on the Season divines who only win equus in their own season.