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Hello! i would like to know what increasing skills to divine wind horses cause them to do (using less energy for example?) thx in advance!

4 answers25 views

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It means you can add the skill points earned from rides to whichever skills of the horse you wish to add them to. It doesn't affect energy usage.
it has no benefit other than doing better in comps. but honestly don't do comps with them til they stop getting points for the rides that give prizes. i only do comps with mine on the day they can go get the prize if they don't need all the points possible to finish off their meter.
Thank you everyone ,welp thats sucks because ive tried to get them skills thinking it will help :X
It does not affect the energy you need for rides.
It's just... there. If you want to get their skills up.
The things that make your horse use less energy for rides are showers and water troughs in the boxes.