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Why wasn't Zodiac Aries offered to me today when in the description of him, the 19th of April, he's offered to a player native of the sign

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Only one player is picked to receive the divine that matches their birth sign. You just weren't that lucky player.
As the descriptiom says: "... to *a* player native of this sign", which does NOT mean *all* players native of this sign.
(In that case I would have got one long ago :))

Gifts like this are (and should be, imo) rare. There is also only 1 player each month that wins a Frost, only 1 that gets a horse named Junior Croesus turned into a real Croesus, and so on. If Howrse would give all the players a free horse it would not be a rare and special gift anymore and there would be a tsunami of Zodiac divines in the game.
Everybody's chance for this is close to zero as there are around 109,000 players on this server (this number can change per day of course). But you never know! Keep up the hopes, one April you might be that one.