[Event] Christmas Hike: Divine hikes open

Equestrian hike:


Ho Ho Ho! Put on your best Christmas sweater to keep you warm during the Christmas Hike to the toy factory!

How to play?

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Spend tokens to activate your cards to move forward across the board. Cross the checkpoints to claim the rewards.

There are 4 different types of cards:

Switch - Change the line.

Move - Move forward by 1, 2, or 3 km.

Counter-obstacle - Find the right card to counter the obstacles you face on the way.

Joker - Counter any obstacle blocking your way.

On your way, you can collect useful items during your hike:


Gifts from the game

Gifts to send to a friend

Gifts from a friend

To receive them, you have to pass through the square they are on.

Obstacles and counter-obstacles

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There are 4 different obstacles that can be countered:





How to get tokens

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There are several ways to get tokens:

By connecting every day on the game (with a bonus if you connect 5 days in-a-row);

By completing daily actions in the event;

By finding them on the board;

By buying them with passes (95 passes).

The Divine Hikes

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The Divine Hikes will start on December 23rd!

The objective within these hikes is to navigate through their paths, similar to the standard hike.

Find the exit of the hike to receive a significant reward: an increased number of divine fragments for the respective divine horse.

The divine Hikes are now officially OPEN. Embark on 5 different hikes to collect fragments of multiple divines: Vanilla, Hippocampus, Red Giant, Miluji tě and Smoke.


New Christmas divine:

Vesele Vanoce

Vesele Vanoce is from the Czech Republic and is part of the Christmas horse's series.

New divine:

White Dwarf

White Dwarf is one of the Stellar horses.
You can get her fragments in the Tyche’s Crown, by playing the Hike event, or by completing your Daily Objectives.

Mobile version

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The mobile version is available for this contest.

To avoid compatibility issues, we recommend that you play on the mobile version (if you want to play on a mobile device).

Good luck during your Christmas hike!

Kind regards,
The Howrse Team
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Im thirty spaces away from vanilla hopefully i dont come short of the line i wouldve saved passes if i knew. I dont like towel thing it ruin the hike event for me. Theres alot of. Obstacles but no logs in vanilla maze
  • Posted messages: 1,622
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I'm literally one step away from Red Giant and out of steps... I bought one pack of 10 paces thinking that would get me to the finish line, but I'm one spot short ugh. Does that mean I'd need to spend another 95 passes or is there any other way to get more steps for free before its over?
  • Posted messages: 2
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In my time zone the event ends at 10am tomorrow.. so maybe you’d have a chance in the morning depending on when it ends for you.

Raven, I totally agree about the logs. I missed one day, and another time finally decided to try a different hike to achieve that objective.. annoying either way
  • Posted messages: 159
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How many passes do the love divines drop each month? I’m debating spending some passes to get the one in the hike before it’s over but I’m not sure if it would be worth it since I’m getting low
  • Posted messages: 231
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Jk I figured it out default smiley (d)
I have looked so many times idk why the amount didn’t clock for me lol
  • Posted messages: 231
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BTsStables wrote:

I'm literally one step away from Red Giant and out of steps... I bought one pack of 10 paces thinking that would get me to the finish line, but I'm one spot short ugh. Does that mean I'd need to spend another 95 passes or is there any other way to get more steps for free before its over?

We still one set of dailies, but we will only have 8 hours to get and use them.

Sashtato wrote:

How many passes do the love divines drop each month? I’m debating spending some passes to get the one in the hike before it’s over but I’m not sure if it would be worth it since I’m getting low

20 passes per month per love divine
  • Posted messages: 11,322
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Managed to squeak in Red Giant (I wasn't expecting to get her, but I had a lot of fragments and managed to end only 15 paces from the checkpoint I needed, so I was willing to buy a pack to get there default smiley <:o) )

Which means my total is Vesele, Hippocampus, Miluje AND Red Giant!
  • Posted messages: 29,954
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I bought 10 tokens but got shovel again and 3 points from end.default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 1,622
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Literally 1 token short of getting the Phanes egg I was hoping for. Not dishing out 95 passes just to get it, though.
Overall, fairly happy with my winnings. Got Red Giant and the love divine, and a couple of fragments for Smoke.
  • Posted messages: 167
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I managed to squeeze in a hundred frags for smoke with what tokens I had left over after vanilla
  • Posted messages: 277
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This was a really generous event. By saving up tokens and immediately switching to the divine hikes when they opened, and waiting until this weekend to utilize the cheaper lane switch, I was able to complete the entire hike for Vanilla and Miluji tě, and collect the 320ish fragments I still needed to get Red Giant also, spending only 665 passes total. I was expecting to pay a lot more and only go after Vanilla, so it was a very pleasant surprise.
  • Posted messages: 49
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I got Vanilla and Red Giant for freedefault smiley ^) Very happy with this event!
  • Posted messages: 293
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I am really happy as I managed to get Vanilla (on another server). If I were to go for the love divine now, how much would it cost? I only have 700 passes, I'm guessing that's not enough to get him from 0.default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 5
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  • Seniority: 18 days
Just finished Red Giant. default smiley (y) Got 4/5 gate divines and two of the Christmas divines. Didn't keep track of how much I spent. default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 11,322
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I finally finished my hike. I didn’t get the the divine. But I got lots of fun and other cool stuff. Thanks!
  • Posted messages: 1,226
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I got the Love divine and Red Giant for free and also some frags for Vanilla. I'm happy with this promo default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 98
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A little over 3 hours to go guys! Don't forget to use your tokens. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 11,322
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I ran out of tokens 10km away, and had to buy a token packdefault smiley (lol)

I did jump around some of the earlier checkpoints to get multiple gifts, as well as traveling to the first checkpoint of Red Giant to get the remaining fragments I needed for him. I should have saved all those tokens for the change lane discount this weekend, but 95 passes is peanuts compared to what I got, so I'm good.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,063
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I thought I had finished with the event, but I decided to buy a few more pass packs and get the remaining fragments I needed for Red Giant. I have been saving passes for a reason, so thought I might as well use some. The only one I didn't try for was Smoke.
  • Posted messages: 231
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This is such a generous promo! Got both Czech gals (Veselé Vánoce and Miluji tě) almost for free, only had to buy tokens twice (190 passes).
Comet Pursuer
  • Posted messages: 160
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Hellow everyone,

I hope you had as much fun as I did during the hike...default smiley :d

And, I hope that you were able to get everything you wanted from your journey to the end of the event. default smiley :-))

I hope to see you all on the next event.

  • Posted messages: 24
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