
Seniority: 5,200 daysGeneral ranking: 16ᵗʰ
Registration date: 2010-02-07Number of horses: 27594
Last visit: 2024-07-27Reserve: 297,834,244 equus
Karma: 10 points


modernart has been congratulated 24,704 times in all, most recently by:

Invincible5 hours ago
anomites11 hours ago
Jodien14 hours ago
Micharo16 hours ago
shoesmith21 hours ago


equestrian center

Equestrian center

modernart manages the equestrian center modernart house (see the forum).

  • Prestige:
  • Number of places: 264
  • Number of remaining places: 0
sales in progress

Sales in progress

HorsePriceType of sale
Excellenc…1,600 1600 passesDirect


OfferSearch Time
hera's pack hera's pack hera's pack morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms 3 days
hera's pack hera's pack hera's pack morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms 3 days
horn of plenty horn of plenty horn of plenty morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms 3 days
golden apple golden apple golden apple morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms 3 days
golden apple golden apple golden apple morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms 3 days
harmony pack harmony pack harmony pack morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms 3 days
harmony pack harmony pack harmony pack morpheus' arms morpheus' arms morpheus' arms 3 days
customized ufos

Customized UFOs

Celucta3*** western saddle2024-07-26
Sprocket3*** western saddle2024-07-20
Divan3*** western saddle2024-07-15
Electric Didgeridoo3*** western saddle2024-07-15
momma fox3*** western saddle2024-07-11
the grand prix

The Grand Prix

April 2024
March 2024

The horses belonging to modernart

Select a tab to see the horses!