New features

16th April 2024

Ascent of Olympus

Boss numbering

Dans le but d'ajouter une dimension compétitive à l'Ascension de l'Olympe, nous avons ajouté un système de classement par ordre d'obtention pour nos divinités grecques.

By successfully completing your Ascents, you now assign each god a unique number, which corresponds to their mythological birth order. This system, which draws on our experience with wild, chimera and companion horses, now also extends to the gods.

Each god is assigned a number ranging from 1 to 999 based on their birth order. Gods born later are not numbered, thus preserving the value of those born earlier. This distinction applies retroactively to all previous gods.

We'd love to know your opinion about this update. What do you think?

(1. Not satisfied -> 5. Very satisfied)

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Increased inventory limit for Drachmas and Obols

Pour accompagner cette amélioration, nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que la limite d'inventaire pour les drachmes et les oboles est désormais portée à 15. Cette augmentation vous offre une plus grande marge de manœuvre pour gérer vos précieux jetons, facilitant votre progression dans l'épopée olympienne.

What do you think of these improvements?

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Have fun playing everyone!

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