1 - Create and manage1.1 - General information1.2 - Location1.3 - Store1.4 - Box1.5 - Meadows1.6 - Workshops2 - Prosperity2.1 - Boarders2.2 - Benefits2.3 - Enhancements2.4 - Missions2.5 - Competitions2.6 - Employees2.7 - Forums3 - Reputation3.1 - Page3.2 - Prestige3.3 - Rankings3.4 - Rosettes
1.6 - The workshops Workshops allow you to make all types of buildings and all the items you will need in your equestrian center or breeding farms, except for resources and farm products. Your equestrian center comes with a small workshop when you create it. Later on you can add other workshops, either by purchasing them or constructing them in the workshops you already own. 1.6.2 - Production The number of workshops you can use simultaneously depends on the prestige value of your equestrian center:Between 0% and 20% prestige: 1 active workshopBetween 20% and 40% prestige: 2 active workshopsBetween 40% and 60% prestige: 3 active workshopsBetween 60% and 80% prestige: 4 active workshopsBetween 80% and 100% prestige: 5 active workshopsProduction duration and required resources depend on the items you want to craft.ProductionResourcesDurationBox 1*25253 hoursBox 2**5005002 daysBox 3***2,5002,5008 daysSmall workshop2502501 dayMedium workshop1,2501,2504 days 4 hoursLarge workshop3,7503,75012 days 12 hoursLittle greenhouse50505 hoursMedium greenhouse25025020 hoursLarge greenhouse2,0002,0006 days 12 hoursWater trough1,5003 daysShower2,5005 daysTractor2,5005 daysFeed trough1,5003 days1* Classical Bridle10905 hours2** Classical Bridle2018010 hours3*** Classical Bridle807201 day 16 hours1* Classical Saddle2023012 hours2** Classical Saddle404601 day3*** Classical Saddle1601,8404 days1* Classical Saddle Cloth2010 hours1* Polo Wraps105 hours1* Ear Bonnet105 hoursBell boots5001 dayWhip1,0002 daysSpurs1,5003 daysLunge1,2505 daysHorseshoe Studs1,7503 days 12 hoursMash50020010012 hours1* fertilizer2006 hours2** fertilizer40012 hoursManure6002001 day 12 hours1* Western Bridle10905 hours2** Western Bridle2018010 hours3*** Western Bridle807201 day 16 hours1* Western Saddle2023012 hours2** Western Saddle404601 day3*** Western Saddle1601,8404 days1* Western Saddle Cloth2010 hours1.6.3 - Repairs A workshop's wear increases by 1% per day, whether it is used or not.A icon is visible next to workshop wear and can be used to repair it. The cost of repairing a workshop depends on the workshop's size and level of wear.If you don't repair a workshop, it will become unusable upon reaching 100% wear and any ongoing production is lost. You can repair the workshop at any time in order to keep using it.