
~Please look here before PMing me, all your questions will likely be answered (Also note that though I sound mean, I really am not, just being factual and straightforward ;)

I have been on Howrse since 2007.
since 2007 I have gotten married and had five children, this means I am not on nearly as much as I used to be.
I almost never go in the forums, unless I need something.
I don't believe in 'judging' in an environment like howrse - it is not the place. We are not here to evaluate others beliefs and lifestyles, we are here to have fun. So please, be nice, and have fun!
Just email me with any other questions.
Happy Howrsing :) 

~Buying Things~
Can you buy my horses? Give me a good offer. This does not mean offering 10,000e for a horse I put up for 45,000e. This also does not mean offering less than 75,000e per pass. Please don't beg, I do not do business with beggars. 99% of the time my horses in the Alita tab are not for sale. My DA MiraG1 is also not for sale. If I have your original foundation horse I will sell it back to you for a reasonable price. If it is one with a lot of BM items keep in mind I probably paid a bit for it and would like some compensation.

Do I buy/trade BM items?  
If the price is reasonable
Can you buy my uni's?
Probably not, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Can I buy your horse? 
Under these circumstances: 
The horse is under 1800eq.
The horse has my affix.

If I buy your horse, it is now mine. You will be blocked/reported for complaining about what I do with it.

I rarely do trades as I think them unwise. If I do them, People with the lesser amount of seniority post their half first, then the 'older' player goes. I feel that those who have been on howrse longer deserve a bit more trust and respect, though there are indeed 'older' players who will scam you. I will not. 

~Breeding policies~ 
I think it terrible to cross breed horses with no goal in mind or just to make money. However, if you choose to do it, its your choice. I may occasionally buy a crossbred horse if it suits my purposes. I cross only breeds I have a goal for, and think will be a good combination. I do not care if pixels are inbred. Real life is different, but on Howrse it is ok. I do not breed horses unless all 6 skills are bold - except under rare circumstances, or for my coat collection. I will not offer coverings unless the stallion has all six skills bold. Ask for a covering from any of my competition horses and I will willingly grant it.

 ~The Safe Haven~
If I put a howrse there, it was my howrse to put there. They are pixels - it is not that big of a deal. If you really wanted the horse to be kept out of the SH you would not have sold it. Especially with the name "DO NOT RESELL OR PUT IN SH!!!". Its not like the SH is named the slaughter house. Its great if you want to have SH rescues, don't ask me to buy any of them.

 ~Private messages and friend requests~

 I do not talk in text. If you send me a private message with text talk in it I will let you know I don't like it, and may block you. I do not accept random friend requests, unless a promotion is going on that requires it. I don't buy passes, so I need whatever BM items I can get from the promotions.

~Other things I want you to know~



Other Stufffz