Click here to visit my Archimedes and win an aging point!

Buying: Spurs, P. Packs, Laurels, Seahorses, Lunges, clouds, 5th elements and splint boots. PM me your prices


Hi, my name is Nancy and I live in Alaska. I don't have a cool layout anymore, but that's ok. I used to play this game very competitively, but now I just dabble.

    Mostly I compete with a few horses that are on the leaderboard for overall wins. They don't have the highest GP (in fact, none of my howrses on the wins board have more than 2 stars, and they aren't the crossbred-with-one-skill-untrained "monsters" that dominate the competitions since the Owlympics ), but I have fun with them.

Alyeska ~ Far North Hanos was one of the first green star hanos on the game. She has been around for over 3 years and she is still ( a little) competitive.



 I also have the horse with the most barrel racing victories (over 7000!!), Silver Streak of Colored Forecast., and prior to him,  Vermillion Vermeer of Colored Forecast was number 1 when the barrels were first introduced.


. And be sure to check out my EC, Far North Farm. Currently looking for a riding instructor! Max pay with raises and cool bonuses!!

Well, that's about it. I hope you enjoy the game as much as I have :)