Hello! My name is Danielle! I'm 22 and currently floating between working, going to school and long adventures! I just got on after a LONG time, and I'm just having fun training and breeding.
All messages, Friend Requests, and Congrats are welcome! I'll get right back.

Gosh I just got back on after a long night leave of absence! I'll probably be on for a month and take off for another 6 again. It's so astonishing how much this site has changed. I remember being up there with the best of them (when it didn't cost you your life savings), when having a horse with a GP of 382 was the top of the game! Shoot I remember when you needed Tears to get you foal born with 100 skills, and when horses were first reaching 2,000 total skills. Foals born now a says just seem unfathomable! 

Imperfect Immortals: A mix of Original and Non-inbred breeding horses.

Astilahu Waya: My 100-Blup breeding mares

Redneck Hacienda: My 100-Blup stallions.

Foals to Adult: foals/youngsters, that I'm raising to breed
Haunted Horses: My stock being raised as racing geldings, pass horses, parchment horses.
Other Horses: A mix of my breeding Donkeys, foals and horses for sale.

Message me for any info or for fun on anything above.

Coding by FinlandPA