I am a collector!
The following are my favorite creators, and I am always interesting in buying any of their GA/RC coats! 
Lenika, JAKUBMusonAdmYrrek, Pifia, and DemureGirl
(Click their names to see their creations! 
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My Game
I collect various horses and breed for fun.

My collections: GAs/RCs, Foundies (would like a pair for every breed)

Best Ranking: 2427

About me
I'm in my mid-20s originally from the state of Pennsylvania. I am currently living in Moldova. I have a Bachelor's degree and studied foreign languages both domestically and abroad. I always welcome PMs in English, Russian, or French.

As far as horses, I've been riding since I was 5. I have a chestnut Quarter Horse named Cody that I am very proud to say I trained largely myself. We used to ride competitively at local hunter and AQHA shows, and even did a little non-competitive eventing training. Unfortunately, because of college I don't have the time anymore. Cody is now leased to several people who love him very much, and he enjoys doing local shows with them as well as being a lesson pony for children. 

Apart from my horse hobbies, I love cars and photography.