Hi! I'm dontbuylemonbread. I hope you're having a nice day!

My username is a reference to a weird dream I had when I was 14. XD

I try to avoid inbreeding horses, but I won’t necessarily avoid horses that have been inbred in the past. Mostly I’m breeding hanoverians, holsteiners, and german saddle horses, but I’m sure I will branch out soon. Very casual player, just here for the cute horses.

Thanks for all the congrats, guys! Don’t know how some of y’all know I exist but it’s nice to have you here. I try to return congrats when I see them, but I might miss folks sometimes.

I accept friend requests! Feel free to send me a message if you’re feeling chatty. I like talking to people. Just keep in mind, I may disappear and not respond for a while sometimes; that’s how I roll for some reason lol.

Some interests I have:

Writing + reading
Animation + cartoons
Video games
Learning other languages
Dreams + nightmares (is that a weird interest? I’m fascinated by them haha)
And others that I’m not thinking of at the moment!

I love to learn new things, so if you have an interest I haven’t listed, feel free to tell me about it anyhow!