Hello everyone!

My name is Kylee and I used to play howrse very actively back when I was 14-17, I am now 21 and remembered all the good things about this site and wanted  to join again!

I used to be very active in the community, I had an awesome forum, absolutely loved RPG's, made some pretty good (if I do say so myself) avatars and layouts, had lots of friends, horses and just loved creating things for and interacting with everyone here.

Unfortunately though it seems no one is as interested in RPG's and grachics as they were a few years ago, and I somehow seem to have forgotten how I created my pieces, and how to go about starting up public and private RPG's. And honestly really how to play the game very successfully.

So, if you'd like, I'd love a friends request! Especially if you remember how it used to be around here!