26f she/her - I'm a returning player after playing with friends in middle school - which I guess is funny because now I'm working in a middle school as an SLP.  

Named my first two horses after my cats Gnocchi & Butters (sorry lamest sentence ever) & just kept going with the pasta theme lmao.  Any friend requests & pasta themed horse names welcomed - mostly because I literally can't figure out how to add people as friends lol

I love reality TV - currently watching Survivor, Big Brother, The Challenge, Ultimatum
Hablo Español

I don't have a serious goal - I think just well bred horses of all the breeds & colors.  Started off with Shetlands & am just picking up other breeds as I find them.

Oh my God what are these events and special horses *laughs in elderly*

I'm surprised how fun this still is :) just playing in my down time at work with an ADHD tendency to get super addicted to my new interest