
My Howrse

I mainly breed brumbies and you can find them in my Ngadalkken tab!

I also collect disturbing, unsettling, and creepy GA coats. :)

• I'm always willing to buy all horses and have no problem permanently homing a horse with me -- simply reserve the horse for me for 5,000e or under and I'll buy it. I'm especially interested in horses from 2012 or earlier and foundations.

• I buy horses in the direct sales from time to time to BLUP and then sell -- these are marked under my "BLUPing" tab so feel free to make an offer.

• If there's more than one copy of a coat colour in my Coat Trophies tabs, feel free to make an offer for the extra!

• Sometimes I'll sell high-GP foals in DS for extremely cheap; keep an eye out for them, as they're all named "Gift For Buyer."

• All adult horses I put in the sales are fully BLUPed.

• I don't send horses to the Safe Haven.

• Gifts are greatly appreciated! My most needed items are Aging Points! :]

About Me

G'day, I'm Blu! I'm a 22 year old bloke from Australia but living in the US for now. I'm a nature lover and I'm addicted to long walks in the wilderness with my dog. I collect skulls and other bones as a hobby, and sometimes I do taxidermy (but I mostly stick to just doing pelts). I love country music but I enjoy a wide range of genres; everything from heavy metal to classical music. 

I have autism, which can make it hard for me to interact with people sometimes but I'm still open to conversations, it might just might take me a while because I have a tendency to overthink my responses. I accept all friend requests.

I first started playing Howrse in 2009 when I was eight years old. My starter was the Purebred Spanish Horse (named Spirit and Rain, because Mustangs were never starters) and my personal breeding projects were primarily Mustangs and Brumbies. I lost my account due to inactivity sometime in 2018 but now I'm back and rebuilding my name here.

If you have the time, please visit my
Galloping Ghosts breeding farm under the "AP Horses" tab. Every horse in there is an in-game memorial to animals in my life that have passed on.

I'm far more active on Tumblr under the same username. My pinned post there explains much more about me than I can here!
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