This game is my hobby, something I do for fun. I can't always log on every day 

My appaloosa team is not very competitive, as it is something I do for fun, so unfortunately I am not looking for added team members
I previously had a very high ranking appy team on my old account so this breed is very familiar to me

In real life I train horses and also game a lot

My current obsession is Baldurs Gate 3 (I am 500 hours in) as well as the recently released The Last of Us 2 remaster, so I am only popping on here for a few minutes here and there

Howrse is just something I do on the side
 I do not mean to "steal wins" as I auto comp everything but rosettes. I am not trying to be the number 1 appaloosa team. I merely exist in my own corner of this game and don't even sell anything beyond auto buys nor do I message or deal with other players/teams. My game is as self contained as it can be, so I apologize for any issues my horses may cause you however it is simple game mechanics creating them, not how I play my game