
His name was Bastion, and he was the last line of defense.
He was the last of the Invincibles, and when he rose in battle
Astride the warhorse Velocitor, he of the dappled iron hide
Clad the both in skin of dragons and armor of plated steel
Chain-mail shining in the dampered sun like flecks of starlight
When they rose in battle, no army could stand before them
Without feeling the fear of the ages and ages
Of the legions that had fallen before them, crying out in terror
Bastion with his tattered scarlet cloak flying out behind him
Like the blood of his enemies beneath him
And mighty Velocitor, mane like the tangled whorls of darkness
And the blood-stained spikes upon his face-plate
Together they defended the world as their brethren once had
Before myriad foes had claimed them, calling them up
To receive the crowns of heroes.

 His name was Bastion, and he was the last line of defense.
And with the warhorse Velocitor, he would stand his ground
Against all odds and the most fearsome of enemies
Until at last he too would join his brethren
To receive the crown of heroes.