:(: Hello! :):

Hi! My name is Naomi. I was born in Jerome, Idaho, and am the eldest of six. I live on a ranch in southern Idaho where my family raises cattle, goats, and a variety of poultry. I love horses and have a few of my own.

    Attention Players!                                                                             Any players that have not been on Howrse for over 50 days will be removed from my friends list.


I accept all friend requests. Feel free to make offers on any horses in my The other horses and the °•°For Sale°•° Farm.

I am currently looking for high GP thoroughbreds (+25400 gp). If you have one that you're selling, please pm me!

I will buy any purebred horse under 5,000 equus, regardless of its condition.

I reserve coverings for 4000 equus, just pm me the stud and mare you want covered.

I am always looking for Arabian unicorns to add to my herd. Will pay up to 100 passes for unis with 23,000+ genetics.


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