hello, im 20 and a scorpio. i use they/them pronouns.
(im not new to the game, this is a new account)

i accept ALL friend requests and im a huge nerd for:
doctor who, percy jackson, umbrella academy, ouat, heartstopper, chucky (franchise), scream, death note, teotfw, awae, stranger things, harry potter, friday the 13th, good omens, and history!

my favorite artists/bands:
billie piper, peter capaldi, tally hall, rolling stones, overkill, frank sinatra, flooringco., bonnie dune, august kamp, corduroy heart, scaredy cat, calpurnia, the aubreys, sable, nirvana, woody guthrie, marty robins, AC/DC, metallica, and crazy lixx

1. breed 16k GP welsh female
2. get all welsh coats

username is a tally hall song : )

more active on my US server profile, ღdreamღ