
I am an adult player and used to play once upon a time back when I was a kid - so I'm really enjoying picking the game back up and getting more strategic in my choices this time around :) So far I've been experimenting with some cross-breeding, unicorns, competitive TBs, and a few other breeds of interest. I also recently acquired my first few divines, which are certainly an interesting experience!

I use a symbol system to designate different howrses for different things, just for my own efficiency. If you are curious, the designations are below:

M/F GP     pre-competition training
« Name »   competitive series
± Name      post-competition training
§ Name      BLUP for breeding and/or high-level competitions
‡ Name      unicorn competitive series
† Name      unicorn post-competitive BLUP training or breeding

I (almost) always wait to breed my howrses until they are 100 BLUP because I love breeding to attain high GPs and high inborn skills. I enjoy experimenting with cross-skill breeding and competition-specific breeding, where I breed to produce certain combinations of high/low skills targeted to specific competitive events. As such, I frequently have many purebred and crossbred foals of many breeds and skill sets on hand - if you are ever interested in a particular howrse, feel free to make an offer!

And as always, Happy Howrsing!